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Social Services - Whistleblowing
"The experienced social worker told a Sunday Express investigation that council managers are frequently putting pressure on him and colleagues to rewrite reports considered “too positive”.
They are demanding “more dirt” on mothers and fathers to increase the chances of securing court orders that place their children into care and which boost councils’ Ofsted ratings.
When asked for an example, he said: “In order to get a child through to a child protection conference, we’re told to make the situation look bad and worse than it actually is."
"The whistleblower also raised serious concerns about council-appointed psychologists who he believes are biased in favour of their paymasters.
In particular, he said he had doubts over what he said were nebulous concepts of emotional abuse and “attachment theories”.
He said: “These psychologists create such a high standard for parenting that most of us would fail."
"As a charity professional who advocates for birth, adoptive and foster families it increasingly worries me that the ‘truth’ in assessments for child protection and/or family support needs can be a version totally unfamiliar to the families who are recipients of the assessments.
There were multiple injustices done against them in their lives including professional opinions of them recorded as facts. Injustice was also done through the omission of facts that would elicit any empathy towards them.
Positives about their families and family history were not featured at all.
An example to illustrate poor recording is that we discovered our daughter’s mum wasn’t a prostitute, as had been suggested in the files."
“I once blew the whistle on a colleague who did something illegal. This person was quite dominant in the office and I was worried about reprisals from her and her friends. It was dealt with informally – and that person is now a manager within the same organisation.”
"BASW cautioned social workers of their duty to blow the whistle on service user abuse or neglect"
“The BASW Code of Ethics and the HCPC Standards of Proficiency and Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics put a duty on social workers to challenge bad practice and report it."
"If you’re employed by an organisation that we regulate and you have concerns about the care being provided by your employer, we want you to tell us. Your information is very important in helping us form a picture of how well the service you work for cares for all the people who use it."
"It also raises the possibility that some children with both diagnosed and undiagnosed autism have been removed from loving families who with earlier diagnosis, more understanding and targeted help could have delivered better outcomes for their children without needing the State to intervene within a family in the most draconian way imaginable."
"If however the parents are intent on seeking funding for further support or a specialist ASD placement (via the SEN Tribunal) then this procedure is often used as a means of halting any challenge to the Authority regarding educational issues; a quite shameful tactic. Unfortunately, situations like this are becoming the norm.""As opposed to working collaboratively with the family, many Local Authorities will go on the offensive. Any perceived challenge from parents will be a catalyst for Social Services involvement and a host of issues for them to face, most notably child protection procedures..."
"There may be evidence of sexual grooming in care. I heard this directly from a parent of a Northern Irish teenager. I later heard a BBC Radio 4 report which appeared to confirm the parent's fears. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-15625438 7/11/11"
"A study by the Maudsley Hospital in London found a breakdown rate of 8% after one year and 29% six years later. On average, adoptions that broke down did so 34 months after placement."
(For the first year, the children are probably still reeling and recuperating from what has been done to them. Thereafter, as they recover to a degree - they will never fully recover from being wrongfully removed from their families - they probably become angry and start rebelling, lashing out, running away etc. and the adoption is unsustainable. Is the human misery worth it? Well, when there is evil behind it the human cost is ignored, money and power come first!)
"More than a quarter (27 per cent) found themselves threatened with or subjected to a child protection investigation, which had a lasting effect on their employment and mental health."
"Mental health problems were prevalent in the children who had left home, with 97 per cent scoring in the clinical range of mental health problems (compared to 10 per cent in the general population) and a quarter had been diagnosed with autistic behaviours".
"Since leaving the adoptive family home, most of the young people had re-entered care and had multiple placements and continued to display challenging behaviours - starting fires, self-harming, attacking care workers and the police - and some had committed serious criminal offences."
"The majority of children in the ‘Left home’ and the ‘At home’ groups had diagnosed developmental or mental health conditions: a quarter had been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder and many had multiple diagnoses."
The sorry state of social work and the evil within:
"Social workers 'sex up abuse claims to snatch children for adoption'
SOCIAL workers are regularly “sexing up” dossiers on problem parents to remove children into care and even to farm them out for adoption, a whistleblower (works for a large authority in the south of England) reveals today." (2011)
"In social work assessments, professional opinion can often be recorded as fact"
"Whistle-blowing social workers disillusioned as concerns about abusive or dangerous practice are ignored"
"Social work whistleblower: ‘I was made an outcast and punished for challenging unsafe management decision’"
"Fear of bullying prevents social workers from whistleblowing. Many social workers and care professionals are too afraid to blow the whistle on poor practice."
"The social services boss fired after 'blowing the whistle on grooming'
She claimed North Somerset Council and police failed to act on evidence"
Duties on social workers to report malpracticing colleagues:
"BASW cautions social workers on whistleblowing as Winterbourne social worker is struck off"
"Whistleblowing to Ofsted about children’s social care services"
Autistic children and Removal Into 'Care'
A very tactful way of saying they should not have been removed from their families. Their ASD traits were misrepresented as signs of abuse or neglect. What about the deliberate targeting of families with autistic children, for false allegations of child abuse or neglect, so that LAs can avoid provision of resources? A law firm comments:
"Are Thousands of Children with Autism in Care for Erroneous Reasons? Quite Probably…"
"The Child Protection System in England" Session 2012-13 Select Committee Education
Well, this poor 15yo boy with Asperger's was sexually abused over a long period by a 'care' home support worker and committed suicide as a result - autistic children are very vulnerable and putting them into state care is not appropriate (for autistic children that genuinely need to go into care there should be specialist placements with much oversight):
And it's not much better for these children if they are adopted:
So the cycle of parent-blame and failure to support families with autistic children continues from birth family to adoptive family and the child and their birth parents have been traumatised in the process. What child wouldn't become mentally unwell when wrongly taken from their parents? Convenient to blame on them all having been abused, when the facts show this is not the case.
"Beyond the Adoption Order: challenges, interventions and adoption disruption"
Interestingly, on P27 of the above document it recommends: "Provide respite care in packages that meet the needs of families and without young people having to become looked after to receive the service" this document would have benefitted from a recommendation to safeguard against false accusations of abuse/neglect!
So if you are a social worker and you see innocent families being targeted with false accusations of child abuse, do your duty and report this, whether it's being done through malice, or ignorance regarding autism. The more social workers that do it, the harder it will be for LAs to try to destroy whistleblowers. It's fear that is holding you back, be brave for those innocent families. You can always get another job - those children cannot get replacement birth families and their parents cannot replace their children. Remember that children are seriously harmed by wrongful interventions and removal - didn't you go into social work to help children? Why do you think so many adopted children show signs of trauma? They weren't all abused, being ripped from your loving family will of course cause trauma, challenging behaviour and attachment difficulties. The damage is lifelong. How many reports are now coming out of children being abused in 'care' homes? Paedophiles are targeting these children. Look at the poor outcomes for children in care - crime/prison, prostitution, homelessness, discontinued education, teenage pregnancies, drug addiction and alcoholism. And autistics are extremely vulnerable due to low danger awareness, social communication problems and difficulties predicting peoples' motives. By not speaking out, you are condemning a generation of autistic children. Do you want that on your shoulders, or do you want to sleep soundly at night?