The healing frequencies of Solfeggio 528Hz
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Welcome to the Planet Autism forum
Moderation on this website is sensible. No swearing, any of the "isms" and please be respectful to others. Please don't unnecessarily clutter the forum with multiple threads for daily life minutiae/trivia, but keep one personal thread which you can post your updates on. Do check you are posting in the correct sub-forum ("channel") when you start a new thread. Other than that, you will find fairness, open-mindedness, a refreshing lack of heavy-handed intervention and you will be treated like adults. The only agenda on this site, is to make it a welcoming and accepting place for autistic people and others with a link to or interest in autism, who respect the communication style of neurodiversity and understand the reasonable adjustments people on the spectrum need in their communication (including the need to let off steam about daily life in an NT world). You are welcome to post links, so long as they abide by the aforementioned rules and we welcome open-minded discourse regarding research, medical, therapies and other relevant topics - we have no motive in promoting state ideology or politically funded research or advice and in fact welcome information which gives the fuller picture on topics of interest, rather than only advocating official standpoints. Professionals are welcome here, we have a "Professionals Room" sub-forum just for you. Please feel free to explore the remainder of the website.
(We also have a forum for ASC girls aged up to 11 here and another for ASC girls aged 12 and over, here. Females are under-represented in ASC figures due to diagnostic bias!.