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Planet Autism's "Hall of Glory"
OK ...it is truly a great honour for any professional to appear on this page. It is an honour hard-won, because Planet Autism has, through detailed research, networking, much personal experience and insider's perspective, a decidedly rigorous approach towards categorising a professional as worthy! Some have come close to being listed, but failed to make the grade in the end. Professionals need to maintain their glory to stay listed, or they risk being summarily removed! Will you make the grade?
They have to meet one or more of the following qualities to be awarded this privilege:
Continuously work well with autism families or autistic individuals, recognise parents as the experts in their own children and be prepared to fight a family's corner when needed;
Have an in-depth knowledge and expertise on all forms of autism and presentation in both genders, that means having a good understanding of the issues autistics face on a daily basis and no stereotyping or outdated views;
A desire to make a difference for autistics and their families, whether that be through publishing, campaigning or awareness raising, for instance by speaking out, or training other professionals in their glorious ways;
Not being afraid to be a voice for autistics, even when that means challenging the status quo ~ and which at times may mean disagreeing with colleagues who don't get it.

Dr Beardon is brilliant with autism, really understands it and writes many excellent blog posts about it here: https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/autism/ He has published various papers and been in various media articles. He's also a very nice man! Click Dr Beardon's name above to go to his web page.
Dr Eaton is very experienced in ASD including PDA and has written a book (due out in September 2017), on females with ASD so is particularly experienced in the female presentation. Dr Eaton offers PDA screening consultations over Skype or telephone for parents, to see if an assessment is warranted. This is a valuable service for families who want to be sure an assessment is necessary before travelling to Norwich. There is nowhere near enough expertise in either PDA or autistic females in the UK, so to find someone knowledgeable in these areas is like gold dust. Dr Eaton is helpful and approachable. Click Dr Eaton's name above to go to the Help for Psychology website.
Sue Gerrard writes the "Moving on from Bowlby" blog (https://movingonfrombowlby.wordpress.com/about/). Sue describes herself:
"I’m Sue Gerrard. I am the parent of a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. I trained as a biologist, psychologist and primary teacher. My research into autism has raised questions about the concept of autism in particular, so-called mental disorders in general, and how scientists form their theoretical models.
The first four posts in this blog were originally published on my blog about autism what is autism anyway? I started this blog because of of my concerns about the models of child development currently used in children’s services."
Sue has earned herself a place in the Hall of Glory because of her insightful blog posts, which challenge what's going on, including parent-blame, false accusations of fabricated and induced illness and the willy-nilly labelling of attachment disorder. Sue speaks out, challenges the status quo and asks questions that need asking, which helps families with autistic children.