The healing frequencies of Solfeggio 528Hz
PDD Autism Asperger's syndrome PDA help advice support information rights
Planet Autism Mission Statement
The aim of this website, is to be a kind of "one-stop shop" where you can find a variety of information (much of it the type that if you don't know it exists, you wouldn't know to look for in the first place!) brought together in one place, in a simple, easy to use format (no multiple unwieldy layers here!). There is a particular focus on people knowing their rights, because so much of this type of information is hard to find. The NHS and other public bodies will usually not volunteer information, their staff may not be aware of the law, fobbing off seems par for the course and you don't get anything until you ask for it (and even then usually not easily). Knowledge is power. People need to know where to turn. People need to know how they can challenge and fight for their rights and my aim is to help you with that.
There is also a focus on raising autism awareness and being a voice for change. Society needs to make adjustments for the rising tide of people on the the autistic spectrum (well over 2% of society), changes need to be made in education, employment, health and social care, and all areas of life where we are negatively impacted, because of lack of understanding of this neurological difference, that is defined as an invisible disability.
Of course, there are a plenitude of autism websites of various types out there, but I have never found one that offered all the information I wanted in one place, resulting in many time-consuming internet searches. I believe there is definitely a place for a website like this and I hope you find it as useful as I intend it to be.
The legal, educational, social care and health service information is relating to the UK, as laws and provisions in different countries may be various and too lengthy to include. However, all other information should be applicable to all and research linked to will have been done around the world and be relevant to all.
The section on alternative treatments and remedies is for information only and is information freely available on the internet. I make no recommendations or endorsements as to the validity or safety of any such treatments or information therein, all treatments should always be discussed with a healthcare provider and approved before use to be sure of efficacy and safety, especially in children. Please do not rely solely on any information either on this site or linked to, please also conduct your own checks as to the reliability or current-ness of all information as necessary, and any decisions made are at your own risk.
Likewise, all information regarding related topics deemed spiritual, "New Age", alternative, fringe etc. are for information only, again, are freely available on the internet and this website makes no statement as to any opinion on them.
