The healing frequencies of Solfeggio 528Hz
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Autistic Talent

Email planetautism@talktalk.net if you have a video of yourself singing, poetry, instrument playing, an online game you have created or another talent that you wish to showcase on this page.
"Autism's Got Talent" annual show can be entered by autistic adults and children. The 2015 show clips are here http://vimeo.com/127986244 and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mHETuXnm5A and the video can be bought here http://avalanche-studio.com/autisms-got-talent-2015-video/
Iris Grace age 3, autistic girl with artistic talent!
Some autistics have savant abilities.
Some of histories greats were, or are thought to have been on the autistic spectrum: Nicola Tesla, Alan Turing, Mozart, Michaelangelo, Isaac Newton, Einstein.