The healing frequencies of Solfeggio 528Hz
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Name and Shame 'Em Rollcall ... The Planet Autism "Hall of Shame"

Here it is folks, your opportunity to name which council, health department, school or other public, or private body has let you or your child down, committed negligence, acted unlawfully, failed in their duty to support or provide a service related to autism.
So, don't name individuals, whether it be your family member, self, or a professional, just name the department or body, summarise what they did or didn't do (so just the facts) and email it via the contact form for inclusion. Your submission needs to be an overall summary and it may be edited. Let's see if there are any patterns emerging and even if not, let wrongdoings be aired for the world to see! If the complaints processes don't work for the people (and even if they do, the problems shouldn't have happened in the first place!), we must highlight the failings to bring the problems into the public eye. Want to sell your story to the media? Justice and funds all in one go? Contact these guys: https://www.talktothepress.co.uk/sell-your-name-and-shame-story/
Support For Learning Base in conjunction with Deputy Head, failed to adhere to recommendations made by LA on basis of parental complaint letter about concerns. Did not acknowledge ABLe plan, let alone implement it. (Even after parent wrote out a 10 page example based on daughter's needs for them!), Turned a blind eye to bullying for over 3 years. Illegal exclusion twice! Failed to include daughter in activities and camps because of “sick time”! Child was refused the opportunity to sit prelim exams without discussion with parent or daughter to agree this. Parent only found out when daughter's friend was sitting an exam and she wasn’t. Child has Asperger's and is described by all her teachers as very intelligent and capable, therefore should have been given the opportunity to sit her exams and given the choice. Deputy Head made repeated comments about how child “didn’t look autistic” and “if she’d done something once she’ll be expecting her to do it every day”! Parent was reported for FII to Social Work and Child Support Services, all which were proven to be failed allegations but no retraction of allegations or apology!
Professionals labelling child with ''attachment disorder'', despite ASD assessments clearly indicating ASD. DSMV states that attachment disorder can ONLY be diagnosed if ASD is ruled out. ASD cannot be ruled out because child's assessments came back indicative of an ASD diagnosis. No special measures were put into place, no help was sought and nothing they did helped child. They did not understand autism and their ''inclusion lead'' saw appropriate to report parent to social services, resulting in family being categorised with neglect. Purely due to being a single mother with several children. The same professional who reported parent, ended up swapping jobs and is now a social worker - ended up removing my ASD daughter from my care.
SEN casework officer involved herself with CAHMS, told them that despite constant exclusions, incidents and my ASD child not being able to cope in mainstream, 'a diagnosis will not be beneficial'. Continually didn't see the need for my daughter to go to a specialist provision and it took 8 months for son's EHCP DRAFT to come through. Another professional, without medical training, suggesting it's not ASD and ''attachment disorder'' despite the ASD assessment coming back with 'results conclusive of ASD'. DSMV states that attachment disorder can ONLY be diagnosed if ASD is ruled out. ASD cannot be ruled out because child's assessments came back indicative of an ASD diagnosis.
Refused to assess child allowing her to ''settle''. Parent paid to go privately and then CAHMS said they'd take over. They disclosed confidential address to children's father (an inmate at HMP) after mother had escaped domestic violence. They also disclosed what parent had said about the DV by ex-husband. The doctor at the appointment said 'It is ASD and/or ADHD.' Then refused to diagnose for another year, because the LA SEN Case Officer told them 'a diagnosis will not be beneficial'. Despite this, doctor contacted my child's cardiologist about medication she could take to help her ASD. Child's ASD assessment came back with a result 'indicative of ASD', even with this, they failed to diagnose her and get her the help she needs.
Refuse to do autism training to understand children's needs, fail to meet their needs constantly, do not understand anything to do with autism. Without medical qualifications, continuously say child has 'attachment disorder'. DSMV states that attachment disorder can ONLY be diagnosed if ASD is ruled out. ASD cannot be ruled out because child's assessments came back indicative of an ASD diagnosis. Have removed ASD child which has added to further trauma and removed her from her school - where this took 8 months+ to settle her into and make friends. Refuse to see the damage they've caused my children. Parent was made to do the 'Family Links' course and then when parent implemented this, it was used against parent (selective ignoring, for example). They refuse to keep parent informed as to what is happening with the two children they've removed (on-going court case) and refuse to communicate with parent. Children have had ASD assessments, which results ''indicate an ASD diagnosis''.
CAMHS Highland and Raigmore Hospital Inverness, refused to acknowledge child was autistic and therefore child did not receive physical health treatment in a timely or appropriate manner, leading to child's near death in January 2018.
Refused any support for a child with ASD/PDA and SPD regarding EHCP or support for top-up funding, even with all reports from NHS and independent reports and diagnosis, whilst he was at the school, so when he wasn't at the school LA stated more evidence needed as he's not in school, so we can't assess and get evidence, just keep trying to get him into school. (Parent couldn't get clothes on child, get him washed, get him outside the door by this time, he had deteriorated from a happy little boy to this). LA didn't take any of parent's calls, only spoke with SENCO at the school. Parent told that referral had been done to ACE education provision at Alderhey, but that it was refused because school were saying he weren't showing any behavioural problems whilst there, despite that he was always in trouble at school. Referral could not of been done however, because parent found out that child was authorised for the period he was school-refusing. So ACE wouldn't have taken child if he was marked as present.
Parent also called Education Welfare officer in Knowsley four times to tell them child wasn't at school and that person said they would liaise with school, but never once came to family's home.
Parent isolated at home with ASD/PDA/SPD child who was verbally aggressive, abusive, very controlling, challenging, self-harming, didn't get washed or dressed or leave the house. They would not give parent any support from support worker or direct payments to get someone in to support child, as they were saying child didn't meet criteria. After many months of being isolated at home and child out of education, parent broke down and became suicidal and told them she was going to take hers and child's life, because she couldn't leave him without his parent Within half an hour social services sent a response team in for a week, who only stayed for about five minutes each day and they told parent that they didn't know why they were there, as they could tell child was loved and not neglected and they knew that they could not give the support that was needed for family, but also could not believe that parent had no help. Off they went. Still no help. They never called parent, parent always called them and after that week, if family friend hadn't made all the calls to see what they where going to do for family, they wouldn't have known whether the parent and child were dead or alive.
Disability team came out from Liverpool, but didn't meet criteria for them to help, even at the severity it was at. They offered to do a carers assessment for parent, but still waiting even after many calls this still didn't happen and still hasn't.
Child with ASD & SPD and undiagnosed PDA, had already been referred to Liverpool CAMHS, who sent him to Alder Hey Hospital as an in-patient, then Alder Hey referred to St Helen's CAMHS as they were unable to support child. St Helen's CAMHS referred to Knowsley CAMHS and sent report to Knowsley CAMHS, as that would be the team that would work with him, report commented on putting child in Dewi Jones Unit back at Alder Hey Hospital. Knowsley CAMHS came out a week later and assessed child, said he wouldn't benefit from therapy as he struggled to communicate and through the post one week later came a discharge letter. Child left without any mental health support, after family getting sent from pillar-to-post, because child was in school in Knowsley whilst resident in Liverpool.
14 year old girl 'won' disability discrimination case on 7/4/17 on grounds that (a) LA delayed issuing a CSP and (b) issued and are continuing to use an inadequate CSP. The child should have received a written apology by 21/4/17. She received nothing. On 2/6/17 the parent was served papers by the messenger-at-arms of the Court of Session, from Edinburgh Council, who are appealing against the decision. Edinburgh Council would rather spend public money fighting than spend a penny on a vulnerable and very disabled child with ASD/PDA.
CEC appealed against the decision of the ASN Tribunal, that 14 year old child was discriminated against on the grounds of her disability, in June 2017. In March 2018 the Court of Session threw out the appeal, that means that, the child was discriminated against. CEC issued a remarkably brief apology. And at what cost to the mental health and wellbeing of the child who received little education for 4 years?
Refused to acknowledge child was disabled despite child receiving high rate DLA. Refused to acknowledge parent was a carer. Refused to do Section 23 assessment for child. Refused to do carer's assessment for parent.
Child had full diagnosis and all reports stating all areas of difficulty. School did not act upon, or apply for, top-up funding to gain support for child or support parent in applying for EHCP but created barriers which affected child to the point that at 6 years of age he physically could not leave the house and became a school-refuser. Child started self-harming, wouldn't get dressed or go outside, he isolated himself, he thought he didn't deserve to be here, he thought he was mean and all he did was hurt everyone when he didn't mean to. School changed doors that he went through and different gates on entry to school, child associated everything with having to go to school and in school all he did was be in trouble due to no support and no funding of anything to help or support him. Child went from bad to worse and was out of school for nearly a year. Not only has child's mental health been a major risk, but also parents and family have been suffering traumatically.
Social services asked school why child was not flagging up in education as a child in need and not flagging up as being absent from school for 6 months and their response was, that they didn't want mum to be fined or end up in court, so they had been authorising his (school-refusal) absence without parent knowing (parent has two different attendance records of son in school during this time and now one that was requested, once parent found out they had been marking present to unattended).
More than one family with single mothers being diagnosed by a GP as having untreatable and incurable "health anxiety". Issues that should be seriously assessed and diagnosed by specialist psychologists. The very same GP that accused an Asperger's parent of FII and had her child permanently removed after having that mother sectioned for two weeks with no mental health issues upon admittance or discharge. The same GP practice that writes in records "this patient is fabricating health for housing benefits..." (etc.) and then demands to see that same patient for regular appointments. Ignores severe conditions and leaves those patients with permanent unnecessary disabilities because of their crimes. The same GP practice that treat people with such utter disrespect people fear going as a community. Beware moving to Kirkbymoorside for you and your children's sake.
Child displayed autism red flags since age 3. Started P1 and almost immediately his teacher raised concerns with parent. Teacher advised referral was made to CAMHS and child seen initially a year ago. There was a delay in initial assessments due to staffing issues! CONNERS forms were done which showed some indicators for ADHD but not enough for a diagnosis. Observations were done at school (a rare day child was coping). An appointment was made to go back to discuss assessments, we went after a lot of work getting him there to sit for nearly an hour to be told there was an emergency and to go home. No further appointment was made and we received a call saying he doesn't have ADHD and is "just a difficult child to parent". Member of staff then advised parent to go on a parenting course (child 8yo, youngest of 4 children plus 2 step siblings that are all coping very well with how they are parented!). Child discharged from CAMHS. As child entered P2 more expectations at school and more demands which he cannot cope with and has daily violent meltdowns at school, including biting, hitting and running away. He has been completely removed from his P2 class and is working in a small group with other children that require additional support, but this proves too much and he is often at home instead of school due to anxiety. Recently child had a complete meltdown at school, resulting in a call to crisis team at CAMHS. Appointment with clinician who agreed to re-do the assessments. I explained parent and school believe he has PDA and perhaps dyslexia. Clinician advised PDA is not recognised in the Borders, as that's the stance management has taken. Awaiting more assessments for child with no diagnosis yet and strong suspicion it won't be the correct one, from what clinician has said. However, have repeatedly called Andrew Lang unit but no return calls. Apparently there is another change to the team and new consultants (locum) complete ignorance. No input in latest MAC review at school and are not returning my calls. Local MSP now involved and still no news.
Failed to provide barely any service over two and a half years. Phone calls were rarely followed up. Assessment of needs done for mother but nothing followed up. After formal complaint of incompetence, new Liaison Officer provided exemplary service and support, has provided more support within two and a half weeks than previous officers over the last couple of years.
When notified about the discrimination against autism families, particularly false accusations against many parents which naturally had a traumatic effect on the children, most especially when wrongfully taken from parents, delegated response to a minion which was generic blurb (ignored evidence and media articles on the matter) and showed no interest whatsoever in this horrific problem.
NHS diagnostic failure, so primary school will not do much to accommodate child's needs without an official "diagnosis" even though they see him crying as he comes into school virtually every morning.
Complete failure to recognise PDA and then because our child does not tick their boxes on ASD not given any help or diagnosis, other than to say he is suffering from "anxiety".
Made malicious and unwarranted referral containing multiple lies, to social services about autistic parent, purportedly on the basis of supposed concern over autistic child who was receiving LA home tuition, being out of school for diagnosed mental ill-health, but notably, parent (in common with many other SEN parents) had been persisting in seeking to have autistic children's needs met by the department, which had completely disregarded SEN Code of practice S1.24 and S46 statutory advice on Inclusive Schooling of Children with SEN laws regarding EHCP of sibling and had successfully secured placements and transport at SENDIST twice. 3 out of the 5 names on the SS referral were employees who had been at the SENDIST representing the LA, the others were the head of EOTAS paying for the LA home tuition and an SEN transport manager.
Wakefield LA EP service issued weak advice for the EHCP. Wakefield LA issued an illegal plan - not all need was identified and listed, it was weak, not specific or quantified. No child's views (collected independently), school named in draft. Following tribunal child received full time 1-to-1 with weekly SALT & OT. Wakefield LA discriminated against an autistic mother including offensive emails found through a SAR request. The 'offender' has been promoted.
Failed to diagnose child by using a tick-box approach and ignoring parental evidence. Subsequently diagnosis with autism by 2nd opinion. Refused to have child assessed by SALT & OT for a statutory assessment because child apparently 'high functioning'. Private assessments highlighted LOTS needed. Whilst seeking recognition for child's needs, parents accused of poor parenting.
GP in complete ignorance of autism, falsely recorded parent's normal Asperger's presentation as "severe anxiety". Underhand SS referrals made (completely in breach of ethical codes and professional guidance) on the basis of home-educating children, no enquiries made or would have found excellent provision fully endorsed by LA! SS wrongly informed on assumptions of supposed parental anxiety impacting children with no truth in or evidence of same. Children well-parented in all ways. Parent sought autism assessment referrals for children (subsequently proven to be correct when children diagnosed autistic) yet GP whipped up lies in the professional network saying parent was "obsessed" with autism and other shocking lies and fabricated gossip, discovered under SAR which totally breached Data Protection Act 1998 in multiple ways. GP made false entries (lied) on patient records regarding nature of consultation and phone call to support his lies/cover his back. GP lied to patient about referral for adult autism assessment (sent to ordinary mental health service instead) and made mistakes on health records. Recorded subsequent adult autism diagnosis on health records but then denied it and said it was disputed and contacted diagnostician to try to talk him out of the diagnosis! Further breached DPA by covertly sending patient correspondence addressed to surgery to non-NHS diagnostician inviting diagnostician to consult with NHS mental health services, without patient's knowledge or agreement. When family changed practice due to GPs severely unbalanced behaviour, he made secretive contact with new GP continuing false claims to cause further trouble for family and SAR revealed, that by now ex-GP, to have been still trying to stay involved after family had left practice (had in fact offered to do this to social services)! Practice consistently denied autistic adult reasonable adjustments in accessing healthcare in breach of equality laws. Practice denied and tried to excuse everything when formal complaint raised. GP still in practice!
Headmistress branded as yet undiagnosed child as badly behaved and defiant due to lack of routine, boundaries and consequences at home.
Failed to refer child to CAMHS who was having blatant educational difficulties at school. Refused to take on school outward bound trip as in their opinion did not eat enough. Failure to make minor adjustments, this child was excluded from the trip. Later diagnosed with Asperger's, ADHD/ADD, now undergoing assessment for PDA.
Lied on record about autistic parent, made false claims in professional network, among people most of whom (including some of the SWs commenting) had never even met a single family member. Absolute discrimination against autistic parent's legally protected characteristics. Encouraged very vulnerable autistic child to accept placement at particular mainstream school (which had a notorious reputation and therefore had places to fill) which transpired to be an entirely wrong placement. Refused respite for autistic sibling who was in diagnostic process and stated by CAMHS to have autistic traits, because SWs deemed child not autistic and not disabled (but nonetheless placed on Child in Need plan, which they lied to parent was simply because of being the sibling of a disabled child). Respite provided for other child was inappropriate, through charity service, worker was very young and left vulnerable child unsupervised to do paperwork, plus not respite for parent as other child excluded. Parent had to ferry worker and child to activities and pick up, making purpose of respite wholly undermined. Misinformed parent about child's entitlements on several occasions. Were absolutely no support to family in any way, autistic parent had to fight for everything children needed without any help from service. Service involvement was extremely stressful for children and whole family. SWs ignored children's communication needs and did not in any way understand autism as a condition. SW tried to convince child to go off alone for questioning with her and persisted even when child clearly stated unwillingness and that she "didn't need to". When parent eventually declined further involvement, service insisted on remaining involved resulting in parent seeking legal advice and outside support to have them desist. Formal complaint never responded to or resolved and parent found out later on that one of the SWs they allocated to our vulnerable autistic children was a convicted paedophile!
Helpline staff refused to advise or help parent because child was not yet diagnosed! Refused to help autistic adult arrange a fashion show in aid of autism - because their funding was already allocated (see last sentence below!). Legal department ignored 3 emails regarding legal autism-related issue. Campaigning department ignored several emails about vital autistic issues that needed highlighting. Blocked autistic adult from their Facebook page for publicly but politely querying their accounts showing very high expenditure on staff (over 70%) and how little spent on autistics.
Provided almost no support for autistic child, started withdrawing what minimal support there was (child was in fact later statemented, proving level of special needs), did not log multiple incidents of physical and verbal bullying of child which child reported, and then denied it had happened. Told parent to stop reporting incidents that child relayed to parent. When child told year head school was making her "go home and scream" her and colleague laughed at her. Formal complaint was totally whitewashed, report full of lies and inaccuracies, refused autistic parent reasonable adjustments knowingly preventing attendance at complaints meeting. Lied to GP in writing, saying child had no difficulties. Unprofessional comments which were absolute lies at multi-professional meeting, implying parent had tried to influence content of school's ASD assessment form. Child couldn't cope and school refused after 3 months there, having become suicidal and lost all trust and faith in adults supposed to be supporting her.
Forced a young lady with ASD and multiple disabilities to confess to a crime she didn't commit. She was unaccompanied in the 'interview' which seemed more like an interrogation, no appropriate adult. Was told to either sign a caution or be taken down to the (police) station. The young lady didn't know what a caution was, but signed it out of panic.
Were called out after a young lady with ASD, ADHD, Tourettes and learning difficulties lashed out at another service user in her supported living scheme who had been winding her up on purpose. They didn't attend for 9 hours, by which time young lady had calmed down and was no longer a threat to anyone. Policeman questions the young lady then leaves the room. Three police officers come into the room and tell her she is under arrest. The girl starts to hyperventilate and rock (a normal stress response for her). The policeman grabs her neck, slams her to the floor face first. A second police officer sits on the girls legs while a third is pulling her arms and shouting 'stop resisting you stupid b****' The girl is lifted up and carried down the stairs face first. She was screaming. The police officers laughed at this. When put in the car the girl continues to panic. She is called 'a little c***' and has her head slammed into the head rest of the car because she was trying to head bang. Turned out this arrest was made because of the caution the same girl was forced to sign.
Put pressure on autistic service user to leave their residential care home and enter supported living. After doing this, gave the service user 10 hours support a day to 'transition' into the community in their own flat. They went silent for two years then suddenly demand a new assessment. Their decision, to reduce the support to only 2 hours a day with no interim period. This is causing a huge regression in both physical and mental wellbeing of the service user.
Refused to meet the SENs of fragile autistic child they were explicitly legally obliged to meet, despite evidence and which they had long known of, previously agreed to and reneged on, thereby knowingly preventing child starting school. Ignored emails with questions, legal information, request for work to be sent home and pleading letter written by child. Effectively denied child education similar to constructive dismissal and caused school-refusal, disappointment and further anxiety to child. Caused immense stress and work to parent who tried to resolve over whole of summer holidays and then emailed threatening family with EWO, following first 3 days of term missed because of their own actions. Head appeared focused on media profile and forthcoming books more than showing understanding of needs, law and any humanity. Complaint whitewashed by school governors and subsequent admission by school of unsecured premises (housing vulnerable girls!) and a core of pupils self-harming on site (is it any wonder!). School also has a policy of not providing lunch to their vulnerable pupils if parent has been unable to top up lunch account for any reason. Head wants to stamp out autistic behaviours and leaves pupils to cry, unsupported.
Much later on, when LA conducted an illegal and malicious child protection investigation against parent and when family were no longer anything to do with the school after placement had fallen through due to school reneging on meeting SENs and LA's interference, head of Limpsfield Grange breached Data Protection Act 1998 by sharing data on family without seeking consent and lying on record.
Support was refused since S2, as child did not have a diagnosis for issues, the ASL in Scottish Education does not require a diagnosis. Schools have a legal duty to refer, they failed to refer child with massive issues in and outside school, e.g. homework and being bullied. No CSP in place or record of difficulties despite various professionals' involvement. Even CAMHS asked why he was not referred. Had issues since nursery school. School knew sleep-deprivation was an issue. HT refused home-schooling which under the law he was entitled to. Failed 4/5 exams due to incorrect teaching methods, no support, lack of medication and incorrect exam conditions. Anxiety went off the scale. Deputy HT reply once was "Can't you tell him to go to bed". Co-morbid issues of dyslexia, dyspraxia and epilepsy ignored and untested as school refused to allow child back. Excluded illegally without any paperwork. Could only sit 1/5 exams due to autism issues. Asperger's diagnosed within 6 weeks after he was transferred to adult services and now awaiting assessment for PDA. No transition for sibling despite providing CAMHS & diagnostic reports, mum refused to sign CSP as inaccurate and no child's views included, but issued regardless.
Failed to recognise child's type of epilepsy or Asperger's/PDA.
Failed to diagnose autistic adult. Breached Autism Act 2009, NHS Constitution and NICE Guidance as well as their own policies. Colluded with and lied to PHSO. CEO refused to respond to communication regarding service failures. CAMHS failed to diagnose autistic child, relied solely on clinical tools and tick-box approach, whilst ignoring parental evidence. Breached Data Protection Act 1998 in multiple ways including malicious gossip, lied on record and recorded falsehoods in health files and reports and refused to correct. GM of CAMHS did nothing about staff's unprofessional and unethical behaviour (offenders remain in post). Necessitated stressful 2nd opinion for one child to receive medication desperately needed after 2+ years in mental health distress, after 1st psychiatrist dismissed severity of difficulties (completely failing to understand autistics have atypical presentations). Failed to support autistic sibling following urgent referral, simply closed file, having offered one option which child couldn't manage and stated since by 2 doctors to have been inappropriate for an autistic child - resulting in child suffering unsupported for 3 whole years with severe anxiety and very challenging behaviours, placing great strain on family. Failed to diagnose ADHD in child, didn't see for assessment, diagnostic failure on the basis of a questionnaire sent in the post! When questions about this asked in writing no response ever received. Completely chaotic prescription of medication, taking months, for a child in crisis and at the point of school refusal and messed up repeat prescription leaving break in medication. Refused to write necessary vital recommendation to child's school for curriculum adjustment, directly leading to child being deprived of education, as the school refused to allow it without medical recommendation resulting in child school-refusing. Complaints system entirely unfit for purpose.
Failure to make reasonable adjustments for 17 year old with autism. The boy was arrested and handcuffed in a dawn raid and detained in custody for 14 hours before being sent under Section to a CAMHS unit. Mother was not allowed to act as an appropriate adult and the adult provided as appropriate, had no formal autism training. The boy's crime? Expressing his intrusive thoughts.
Failed to assist family of mother caring for 2 autistic children, after one autistic child was unable to engage with autism service, closed file without any support following allocated social worker leaving service. SW promised to do an assessment of other child's needs once he had his diagnosis. This was never done and subsequently social worker left with no replacement.
Colluded with NHS trust over diagnostic complaint, stage-managed basis of investigation to ensure no uphold through ignoring all multi-disciplinary evidence (but even so failed to identify multiple breaches of policies which came under the basis of investigation they undertook), refused to newly investigate with increasing new multi-disciplinary evidence available, failed to identify trust's departure from procedures or uncover their blatant lies.
Failed to diagnose PDA and ADHD, failed to recognise severity of autistic child's anxiety despite testing (relied on tests known to be unreliable in autistics). Surreptitiously tested parent without knowledge or consent and lied to professional body about having done so. Ripped-off family for £750 of child's DLA, for the privilege of precisely zero benefit from the assessment.
Failed to recognise autism in two siblings.
Failed to work effectively with family in which 3 members had autism and failing mental health. Repeated application of child protection procedures despite family's desperate attempts to obtain help.
Failure to recognise and diagnose Asperger's and PDA in one child. Diagnosed Asperger's in sibling following a year of cancellations and insistence of classroom assessment that wasn't needed (blatant evidence already available). Failure to recognise ADHD in sibling when younger, since become ADD and failure to recognise PDA. Another child with suspected autism misdiagnosed as PTSD.
Failure to recognise features of autism in undiagnosed child.
Failure to respect parent or child evidence, failure to include child's vital SEN into EHCP (which in law must be specified and quantified), dismissed parent and child voice, in breach of SEN laws. Refused permission to parent to appeal (!) even in the face of new professional evidence. Termed SEN Code of Practice 2014 (the law) as "various official documents" and disregarded entirely.
Failure to diagnose PDA, failed to diagnose ADHD, refused to correct reports with errors in, erroneously attributed ADHD traits to sensory-seeking when child is hypersensitive and therefore sensory avoidant.
Failure to undertake independent 2nd opinion assessment, relying on existing erroneous CAMHS opinion and failure to recognise female autistic presentation, gave incorrect ASD sub-type diagnosis. Issued erroneous and irrelevant, pathologising parental diagnostic codes.
Failure to take action on the basis of the "we cannot investigate individual complaints, go elsewhere" excuse regarding Trust's diagnostic failures.
Failure to intervene or take action over a school not providing any support to an autistic child and lying about child's difficulties, with sham complaints process finding no fault. Failure to adhere to Government laws on SENs.
Failure to recognise ASD-related food difficulties and false claims. Failure to intervene in seizure, cited as "attention seeking". Failures to recognise and diagnose epilepsy. Agreement made to prescribe medication on trial basis, consultant left and replacement locum disagreed, leaving patient in difficulties for months and GP had to intervene. Diagnosed Asperger's within a month which CAMHS failed to recognise over the years, but failed to recognise PDA. Diagnosed ADHD and ADD in sibling, but failed to recognise PDA. Between CAMHS and adult services mum recognised 5 out of 6 issues. The head of mental health services threatened mother of 'going down a slippery slope' accusing staff of being clueless, as it could destroy their reputation. No thought whatsoever of the lives they had destroyed due to incompetence.
Psychologist failed to report on verbally acknowledged educational difficulties and councillors failed to take action to resolve failures when parent sought help. SNP Education Minister acknowledged teaching laws had been broken but fobbed parent off to Enquire and Govan Law Centre. Conservative MSP did nothing but sent 'I hope this helps' reply. Lib Dem MSP asked twice for a response to Education Laws being broken at Edenside and Kelso High Schools between 2 siblings. No response came. They have a legal duty to reply within 20 days.
Student Support failed to implement written support strategies for child. Support team worker was not aware of the ASL allowance for funding, which could have really helped with support. LEAD Scotland advised this was not the first account of this happening.
Amble Health Centre, Northumberland & Kelso Health Centre, Scotland
School nurses and doctors failed to identify undiagnosed child's typically autistic difficulties as autism-related.
Failed to intervene or take any action over a vulnerable autistic child's legal SEN rights being breached by a school and ignored by a tribunal. Merely fobbed off to the NAS (who have no powers to take action)! Stated to be champion of children's rights but clearly when it comes down to it, does nothing of the sort.
ASD discrimination, service failings, LA retribution & illegal LA actions - please sign and share!
"Make Brighton & Hove City Council Cease Illegal Section 47 SS Investigations"