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Planet Autism Information and Fact Sheets Series
Note: All fact sheets are in PDF format and have a blue background. If you wish to print in black & white: from within the document, click the print icon, click the 'Properties' option in the print box, in the next box that appears, tick the box that says 'Print in Black and White' and you can also select on the tab where it says 'Print set-up' the least ink-hungry option, which I believe is 'Quick Print'. If you wish to have a completely white background, download and open the document with a different programme and then convert/save as into a different format to adjust the background. or copy and paste the entire document into a blank one of your own to print (please include the logo and header for copyright purposes).
Information sheet 1 - "Vulnerabilities & Difficulties of Autistic Children"
When to Use Sheet - Evidence to professionals who do not understand autism or the impact it has on an autistic child's safety, e.g. when applying for SEN transport. Autistic traits mean a child cannot be viewed the same as a non-autistic child of the same age. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 2 - "The Overdiagnosis & Misdiagnosis of Attachment Disorder"
When to Use Sheet - when you are being targeted by professionals in a parental blame culture, looking to diagnose attachment problems or disorder to explain away your child's likely neurodevelopmental condition. Sheet includes Social Care Network's David Shemmings (professor of child protection research at the University of Kent) tips for social workers, reasons professionals misuse the AD label, cautions as to which professionals should assess for it and research on the erroneous beliefs and misdiagnosis of autistic children with AD. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 3 - "False accusations of fabricated and induced illness against parents"
When to Use Sheet - as above, when professionals are targeting you, for misrepresentation or causation of your child's difficulties. Sheet includes research, media, background and advice on what you can do if facing this situation. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 4 - "Sensory Processing Disorder as a Diagnosis"
When to Use Sheet - when you suspect your child has sensory difficulties and you want to understand the cause, and the process of diagnosis and therapy. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 5 - "Parental Recognition of Autism - Professionals Must Listen!"
When to Use Sheet - when you need to push your case for referral for assessment, includes evidence that parents should be listened to and why. The sheet has findings about the accuracy of parental suspicion of autism, importance of professionals working in partnership with parents and of early intervention. The principle of being listened to, applies to autistic adults, even though it is aimed at parents of autistic children. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 6 - "Autistic Women as Mothers – The Lies and the Truth"
When to Use Sheet - when you, as an autistic mother, are being falsely accused, wrongfully subject to child protection investigations or potential removal of your children. If you want evidence of why it is discriminatory to assume your parenting is inadequate purely on the basis of your autism and your rights to support to enable you to parent adequately. Contained within is research evidence on autistic mothers, media references, family court judge quotes and advice. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 6 - "Autism and Vaccinations - The Data"
When to Use Sheet - this is actually a 25 page report, use when you want to know more about vaccinations generally, but also the connection to autism, to know what has been hidden, what authority would prefer you didn't know. If you want an idea about whether your child or you are vaccine-damaged or what more reading you should do before deciding to vaccinate. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 7 - "Professionals/Authority and the Parent Blame Culture"
When to Use Sheet - this one is more an information sheet to know what's going on, perhaps trigger more reading into the reasons why this is. If you have experienced this, it may comfort you to know you are far from alone - sadly in this instance.
Information sheet 8 - "Different Behaviour Between School and Home & Elsewhere Phenomenon in Autism"
When to Use Sheet - when you are seeking support for your child in school, who may be diagnosed or undiagnosed and there is no visible difficulty observed in school (it is masked) and your child is distressed, highly anxious or showing challenging behaviour at home as a result of their failure to cope in school. Sheet can alternatively be used for general awareness.
Information sheet 9 - " Autism & Difficulties in The School Environment"
When to Use Sheet - similar situation to sheet 8. If your child is in mainstream most definitely, because there is likely to be a complete lack of autism awareness by school staff. You can also use this sheet to help guide your thinking when applying for an EHCP or explaining your child's difficulties during an assessment.
Information sheet 10 - "When Professionals Go Bad: What to Do"
When to Use Sheet - as a one-stop-shop of links to various regulatory bodies and laws that will assist you greatly in your research as to where to go and what to refer to in your complaints. Particular useful for social services (unwarranted child protection procedures) problems and disability discrimination.