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ABOUT Mini Geek Girls

Mini Geek Girls...Mini Geek Girls...Mini Geek Girls...Mini Geek Girls...

We are a home-from-home for all those super-intelligent primary aged Geek Girls out there, who want a place where they can have intelligent discussions, that maybe it's hard to have with their peers.  It's hard being so clever in a world of ordinariness where others are more interested in what colour handbag is the best or which shade of nail varnish matches.  Mini Geek Girls can like those things too, but their minds are far more entertained by science, maths, books, wonders of the universe, logic, how things work and all manner of things that appeal to the inquisitive mind.


A Mini Geek Girl may have dolls and teddies, but she will have a collection of them to rival a library and will know lots of detail about her collections.  She will have a reason for collecting.  She will become easily bored if her mind is not stretched and she can sit for hours with a good book.  She will question why and how all the time and will have wondrous ideas about things.


So all you Mini Geek Girls out there, join us and indulge your passions with like-minded Mini Geek Girls!


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